GB 30871-2022 Safety specifications of special work in hazardous chemicals enterprises English
1 Scope
This standard specifies the safety requirements for hot work, confined space entry, blinding-pipeline operation with stop plate, work at height, lifting work, temporary electricity work, excavation work, work for road breaking and other special work of hazardous chemicals enterprises.
This standard is applicable to hazardous chemicals production and operation (including storage) enterprises and chemical and pharmaceutical enterprises (hereinafter referred to as "hazardous chemicals enterprises").
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB 2894 Safety signs and guideline for the use
GB/T 3608 Classification of work at heights
GB/T 5082 Cranes - Hand signals
GB 6095 Fall protection - Personal fall protection systems
GB 15322.3 Combustible gas detectors - Part 3: Portable combustible gas detectors for industrial and commercial use
GB 15577 Safety regulations for dust explosion prevention and protection
GB/T 18664 Selection, use and maintenance of respiratory protective equipment
GB 24543 Personal fall protection equipment - Lanyards
GB 30077 Requirements on emergency materials equipment for hazardous chemical enterprises
GB 39800.1 Specification for the provision of personal protective equipment - Part 1:General requirement
GB 50194 Code for safety of power supply and consumption for construction site
GB/T 50493-2019 Standard for design of combustible gas and toxic gas detection and alarm for petrochemical industry
GB 51210 Unified standard for safety of scaffold in construction
DL 409 Rules of safe operation in power industry (electric power line part)
GBZ 2.1 Occupational exposure limits for hazardous agents in the workplace - Part 1: Chemical hazardous agents
GBZ/T 260 Guideline of identification of contraindication to job placement
HG/T 21547 Paddle blank, Paddle spacer, Figure-8 blank for piping system
JB/T 2772 Components of valves - High pressure blanks
3 Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
special work
hot work, confined space entry, blinding-pipeline operation with stop plate, work at height, lifting work, temporary electricity, excavation work, work for road breaking, etc. possibly involved in the production and operation process of hazardous chemicals enterprises and possibly harmful to the safety of workers, other persons as well as surrounding buildings (structures), equipment and facilities
fire and explosive area
medium environments such as gas, vapor and dust that can form explosive mixtures with air, and places that may cause fire and explosion under high temperature, heat, friction, impact, spontaneous combustion and other circumstances
fixed hot work area
area designated for hot work in non-fire and explosive area
hot work
unconventional work possibly generating flame, spark or hot surface in fire-forbidden area except process facility directly or indirectly generating open fire
Note: Hot work includes the work carried out with electric welding machine, gas welding (cutting) machine, blast burner, electric drill, grinding wheel, sand-blasting machine, etc.
confined space
poor-ventilated closed and semi-closed facilities and sites with limited entrance and exit, possibly with inflammables, explosives and toxic and harmful substances, or lacking oxygen, which threaten the health and life safety of personnel entering into them
Note: Confined space includes reactor, tower, caldron, trench, tank, furnace, drum, pipeline as well as basement, inspection well, pit (pool), sewer or other closed and semi-closed sites.
confined space entry
work performed by entering or probing into a confined space
blinding-pipeline operation with stop plate
operation for installing stop plate onto or removing it from equipment or pipeline
work at height
work carried out at a height of 2m or more above the falling datum plane, with the worker at the risk of falling
Note: Falling datum plane refers to the horizontal plane where the lowest point of falling place is in.
lifting work
work process of lifting the equipment, workpieces, apparatuses, materials, etc. to change their positions by various lifting machines
temporary electricity
impermanent electrical equipment connected to a power supply in formal operation
excavation work
work where earth excavation, piling, drilling, pit prospecting or ground anchor inserting is carried out to a depth more than 0.5m; soil filling or site leveling is carried out with construction machines like bulldozer, road roller, etc. which possibly influence the facilities concealed underground
work for road breaking
work like project construction, lifting, swinging, etc. carried out on main road, branch road and approach road of workshop in production area which influence normal traffic
4 General requirements
4.1 Prior to work, hazardous chemicals enterprises shall organize the work units to identify the hazardous/harmful factors possibly existing in work site and work process, carry out work hazard analysis, and formulate corresponding safety risk control measures.
4.2 Prior to work, hazardous chemicals enterprises shall take measures to treat the equipment, facilities and pipelines to be under work to ensure that the corresponding work safety requirements are met:
a) For special work with safety requirements for the media in equipment and pipelines, treatment shall be conducted by emptying, isolation, cleaning, replacement, etc.;
b) Reliable energy isolation measures shall be taken for equipment, facilities and environment with energy;
Note: Energy isolation refers to the effective control, isolation and protection of potential energy that may cause personal injury, environmental damage, equipment damage and property loss due to out-of-control, which includes mechanical isolation, process isolation, electrical isolation, and radioactive source isolation.
c) Appropriate measures for the safe disposal of radioactive sources shall be taken.
4.3 Personnel entering the work site shall properly wear personal protective equipment meeting the requirements of GB 39800.1.
Foreword II
Introduction V
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 General requirements
5 Hot work
6 Confined space entry
7 Blinding-pipeline operation with stop plate
8 Work at height
9 Lifting work
10 Temporary electricity work
11 Excavation work
12 Work for road breaking
Annex A (Informative) Styles of safety work permits
Annex B (Informative) Management on safety work permits
GB 30871-2022 危险化学品企业特殊作业安全规范
1 范围
2 规范性引用文件
GB 2894 安全标志及其使用导则
GB/T 3608 高处作业分级
GB/T 5082 起重机 手势信号
GB 6095 坠落防护 安全带
GB 15322.3 可燃气体探测器 第3部分:工业及商业用途便携式可燃气体探测器
GB 15577 粉尘防爆安全规程
GB/T 18664 呼吸防护用品的选择、使用和维护
GB 24543 坠落防护安全绳
GB 30077 危险化学品单位应急救援物资配备要求
GB 39800.1 个体防护装备配备规范 第1部分:总则
GB 50194 建设工程施工现场供用电安全规范
GB/T 50493-2019 石油化工可燃气体和有毒气体检测报警设计标准
GB 51210 建筑施工脚手架安全技术统一标准
DL 409 电业安全工作规程(电力线路部分)
GBZ 2.1 工作场所有害因素职业接触限值 第1部分:化学有害因素
GBZ/T 260 职业禁忌证界定导则
HG/T 21547 管道用钢制插板、垫环、8字盲板系列
JB/T 2772 阀门零部件 高压盲板
3 术语和定义
特殊作业 special work
火灾爆炸危险场所 fire and explosive area
固定动火区 fixed hot work area
动火作业 hot work
受限空间 confined space
受限空间作业 confined space entry
盲板抽堵作业 blinding-pipeline operation with stop plate
高处作业 work at height
在距坠落基准面2 m及2 m以上有可能坠落的高处进行的作业。
吊装作业 lifting work
临时用电 temporary electricity
动土作业 excavation work
挖土、打桩、钻探、坑探、地锚入土深度在0.5 m以上;使用推土机、压路机等施工机械进行填土或平整场地等可能对地下隐蔽设施产生影响的作业。
断路作业 work for road breaking
4 通用要求
4.1 作业前,危险化学品企业应组织作业单位对作业现场和作业过程中可能存在的危险有害因素进行辨识,开展作业危害分析,制定相应的安全风险管控措施。
4.2 作业前,危险化学品企业应采取措施对拟作业的设备设施、管线进行处理,确保满足相应作业安全要求:
a) 对设备、管线内介质有安全要求的特殊作业,应采用倒空、隔绝、清洗、置换等方式进行处理;
b) 对具有能量的设备设施、环境应采取可靠的能量隔离措施;
c) 对放射源采取相应安全处置措施。
4.3 进入作业现场的人员应正确佩戴满足GB 39800.1要求的个体防护装备。
4.4 作业前,危险化学品企业应对参加作业的人员进行安全措施交底,主要包括:
a) 作业现场和作业过程中可能存在的危险、有害因素及采取的具体安全措施与应急措施;
b) 会同作业单位组织作业人员到作业现场,了解和熟悉现场环境,进一步核实安全措施的可靠性,熟悉应急救援器材的位置及分布;
c) 涉及断路、动土作业时,应对作业现场的地下隐蔽工程进行交底。
4.5 作业前,危险化学品企业应组织作业单位对作业现场及作业涉及的设备、设施、工器具等进行检查,并使之符合如下要求:
a) 作业现场消防通道、行车通道应保持畅通,影响作业安全的杂物应清理干净;
b) 作业现场的梯子、栏杆、平台、箅子板、盖板等设施应完整、牢固,采用的临时设施应确保安全;
c) 作业现场可能危及安全的坑、井、沟、孔洞等应采取有效防护措施,并设警示标志;需要检修的设备上的电器电源应可靠断电,在电源开关处加锁并加挂安全警示牌;
d) 作业使用的个体防护器具、消防器材、通信设备、照明设备等应完好;
e) 作业时使用的脚手架、起重机械、电气焊(割)用具、手持电动工具等各种工器具符合作业安全要求,超过安全电压的手持式、移动式电动工器具应逐个配置漏电保护器和电源开关;